Dear young Entrepreneurs, what is it that is stopping you from engaging in something legitimate to earn income daily? There is indeed dignity in Labor never be ashamed of your hustle no matter how little, start with what its your hand.
Read and be inspired. Jossy Otu.
Hello, 🙋 this is me👇I sell food on a wheelbarrow, yes I went to school, a mother, married to a lawyer, but some will say why are you doing this?
Some even said your beautiful to be selling food in a wheelbarrow? 💃🤣 I laughed, see when God want to bless you he takes you out of yourself comfort zone, l am not ashamed of my hustle, I got praises likewise criticised for my hustle. The first time I took my wheelbarrow I almost went back, I was ashamed @ first, what Will my friends and family say chai, but then I encouraged myself if I go broke now some of my friends and family will desert me, so to hell with what people will say, that day I sold all my food by 1 pm and made a profit of 3k my capital being 5k chai I wanted to craze, that devil is liar To cut the long story short under 2 months I made 150k as profit, so dear friends I have seen a lady that fried akara to build a house and send her children to the university, that small business that u think you can’t do your too big for it may be yourself stepping stone to greatness, don’t die of hunger o encouraged yourself, God bless you all and give you ideas to make wealth. — feeling blessed.
it was first posted at facebook group Potfolio 9. community and a good Samaritan in that group donated 200,000 N to support her.
Jidekaiji Nne. keep up your good work, God bless your hustles.